I'm glad you asked! Or maybe you didn't, since that's just the post title... Well, anyway, this blog is a place for me to ramble about anything that currently strikes my interest, and that I feel like I have something interesting or worthwhile to say about.

Don't expect too much, I admittedly don't have a ton to put here, but I have a few things planned to kick things off; Namely a manifesto of sorts about my ideals for the internet and what I think it should be, as well as a beginner's guide to piracy, as a lot of people I know are open to piracy but don't know how to actually sail the seven seas, and I think it should be more accessible as a tool for circumventing anti-consumer corporate practices. So, stay tuned for those! I'm not sure when I'll get them out, but I've already got plenty of ideas brewing in my head, so I'm sure it won't be long.

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